1. Make your bed. Seriously, every day keep making your bed. It will make you feel sane. This is really just a tip to say don't give up on keeping house just because you are moving. You will be much better off if you keep up with your every day chores.
Doesn't have to be perfect. Just do it.
2. Dedicate areas for boxes and for packing. A table or floor space for constructing boxes and packing is key.
3. Dedicate areas for NO moving related things.
A place that still feels like you live there.
A place where you do not have to see chaos.
For me, this is my bedroom. There will not be any boxes in there until moving day. At which time I will bring in wardrobe boxes for closet transfer. Otherwise the only things I pack from there come OUT of that room for packing and don't go back in.
4. Buy/collect supplies. You will need:
- More boxes than you think. Plan for 50-75 boxes per person in your house. This is a safe estimate. (I beg, borrow and steal boxes from work, my Starbucks, etc. EXCEPT for fragile items. Splurge on the dish barrel boxes at UHAUL. Oh, and wardrobe boxes. They are the best.)
- Tape. More tape than you think. You don't want poorly constructed boxes. Probably 1 big roll per 20-25 boxes.
- Labels & Sharpies. Biggish labels are best, all colors of sharpies are needed.
- Packing Paper. Newsprint without print. It's your best friend.
5. Start early, pack often. Begin with little used items and do a little bit every day. This will make it much easier on moving day (and the all-nighter the night before will hopefully be eliminated).
6. Label your boxes clearly with the room they are destined for. This will save you heartache in the new place.
7. Keep an inventory of what is in which box by number. This has many benefits, but most importantly it lets you know what might be lost or misplaced.
8. If you are using a moving company, make sure to have your name on the boxes. This is a great way to use up old return address labels. It doesn't tell someone where to send your box if it is lost, but it does at least identify which client the box belonged to.
9. One week to 3 days before your move finish all the laundry you can. Put it away or pack it while it is clean. Then dedicate a hamper/box/laundry bag to dirty clothes. This should be one that can be closed up and transported as is. You are not doing any more laundry until the move is over. Trust me.
10. From day one of knowing to one week before, GET RID OF STUFF. Lots of it. You don't need it. And you certainly don't want to pay someone to carry your garbage to a new house. And if your friends are helping you they don't want to carry your garbage. I promise. They will love you if you get rid of stuff. You will love yourself if you save time and money. You will get to buy new stuff if you throw away the garbage. There is no reason NOT to get rid of stuff.
11. Keep valuables in your move-free stuff zone. This means jewelry, important documents, really valuable and easy to steal electronics. Make an "I will move myself pile" and be sure to transport all these items yourself.
12. Animals: TRY to keep their life the same. Don't move their things until you absolutely have to and then quickly re-establish their space at the new home. This is a stressful time for animals. Be nice to them.
Up-ears! :-D